Country Blues Guitar...It is our roots. (L of C...West Virginia 1935)

Everyone Can Learn Guitar!

I want everyone to have success with the guitar. This blog is dedicated to that desire. If you have been stumbling, then I know you will find help and encouragement here. I know that everyone who truly desires it can make music on the guitar.

Now, on with the Blog.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Which came first, the Guitar or the Music

Okay, I must address this. I am often accused of being a bit philosophical about how important music is to human existence. My guitar buddies will roll their eyes when I look past the rippin' solo they just did and comment on how "honest" or "raw" it was.

Now I truly believe that the guitar is the perfect instrument, but I'm sorry, the music comes first. How many students down at the local music store quit because they mistakenly thought their love for the guitar culture could somehow be converted to music. It can't be done. Oh you might learn some licks, but if you don't at some point fall in love with the music, you will slam into a brick wall as a guitarist.

So if I at times sound a little too "jasmine and incense" about this whole guitar/music thing it's because I believe we are artists, and every one of us, from classical to metal, brings something important to the world.