Country Blues Guitar...It is our roots. (L of C...West Virginia 1935)

Everyone Can Learn Guitar!

I want everyone to have success with the guitar. This blog is dedicated to that desire. If you have been stumbling, then I know you will find help and encouragement here. I know that everyone who truly desires it can make music on the guitar.

Now, on with the Blog.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Learn More and Better

To learn more and to learn better is a goal of mine. I guess I'm looking for the shortest distance.

The Perfect Guitar

I'd like to talk about my guitars.

My classical is an Esteve GR 9, I believe. It is actually a Dauphin branded guitar. It is fantastic. An all solid wood, top student model and boy it really sings. I've had it over 10 years and will never part with it.

My steel string is a Masterbilt EF. I like it. It feels good in my hand, but... I can't say that I haven't been looking for another. It's a good guitar, doesn't feel like mine.

I know that's not my usual point of view. I'm usually much more pragmatic than that. If it's well in tune with a decent action, then I say make your music on it. But this is different. Maybe there really is Mojo in a guitar. Anyway, I'll play it everyday, and I'm going to play it till it wears out. Then I'm going in search for my holy grail.